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Cinema Night “How to Steal a Chair”

29 April 24
Katheti, Πόρος, 18020
Venue website Venue map link
April 29 | 8:00 pm

Ticket: 5€

Special offer for members: pay for two movies and get one for free


Cinema Night “How to Steal a Chair”

29 April 24

The award-winning documentary “How to Steal a Chair” by Greek cinematographer Konstantinos Kampouroglou will be screened at Katheti on Holy Monday, 29 April, at 8:00 pm. Called “One of the most talked-about documentaries. A Thessaloniki story about a brave and defeated knight of design”, “How to Steal a Chair” is a beautiful journey of passion and struggle. The ticket costs 5€ and members benefit from a special offer for the cinema nights: pay for two movies and get one for free!

In the 90s, Thessaloniki had the opportunity to have one of the first design museums in the world. All that was needed was to secure a home for the emblematic collection of the great designer Stergios Delialis. Inspirational and charismatic, Delialis never gave up his pursuit, starring two decades later in this bittersweet story about the Greek paradox and global design.

Katheti promotes the art of cinema with multiple activities. In the past, we have organized a two-day workshop on Philosophy & Cinema, as well as the Documentary and Short Film Festival for Poros Arts Festival 2023. In the autumn of 2022, Katheti promoted the casting and participated in the production of the film “Kiouka” by Kostis Charamountanis.

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