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Photography Workshop “Basic Photography Composition Techniques”

11 March 24
Katheti, Πόρος, 18020
Venue website Venue map link
March 11 | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Free entrance


Photography Workshop “Basic Photography Composition Techniques”

11 March 24

On Monday 11 March at 7:00 pm, the two-hour photography workshop “Basic Photography Composition Techniques” will take place at Katheti. The workshop of the photography group of Poros-Troizinia “Passage” aims to cover the basic principles of photography as well as the main technical settings of a camera.

Bring along your digital camera (DSLR or mirrorless) to learn the basic photography composition techniques (e.g. rule of third, horizon, framing etc.) In this workshop, through theory and practical exercises we will try to demystify the complexities of the digital camera’s settings, something that will help us in achieving the desired result every time we take a photo! At the same time, we will start learning the basic techniques of photo composition. The group consists of amateur photographers from our region and the invitation is open to anyone who wants to learn and share their knowledge on photography. It will be a pleasure to grow the group with new members while creating bonds and organizing activities and projects through the art of photography.

Katheti supports the art of photography. In the past Katheti has organized photography exhibitions such as: “Sotiris Tavern“, “Athlesis” and the art exhibition “Bridges“. Some of the exhibitions were accompanied by albums showcasing local artists. This past summer Katheti successfully hosted the art exhibition ” Transformations” as part of Poros Arts Festival. At the same time, Katheti showcased local photographers and created Calendars for 2021 and 2023.

You can become a volunteer at Katheti. Fill out the volunteer application and start this wonderful journey with us!

As a local teacher or student, you get the benefit of free membership at Katheti!

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