Reactions to expansion of fish farms – Peak impacts on tourism

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Special Preview of the Documentary “Poros Stands”

14 April 24
Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων Β. Κογιώνη (Γυμνάσιο Πόρου), Πόρος, Αττική, 18020
Venue map link
April 14 | 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm



Special Preview of the Documentary “Poros Stands”

14 April 24

The Municipality of Poros, in collaboration with Katheti, invites the residents of Poros to a special preview of the documentary “Poros Stands” on Sunday 14 April at 8:00 pm, at the “Vasiliki Kogioni” Theater.

Last October, director Mike Sampey and producer Kirsten Bacon from Tasmania visited our island to film an anti-industrial fish farming documentary. Touched by the island’s unique beauty and the hospitality of the locals, they were inspired by the struggle of our community to combat the devastating effects of the POAY plan. The documentary “Poros Stands” aims to support the community’s collective efforts to save Poros from industrial fish farming.

Similar to the film “The Heart of the Island” based on the struggle of the Tasmanian island of Flinders to prevent fish farming on their shores, “Poros Stands” is an emotionally evocative story of the steadfastness and loyalty of the residents of Poros to protect their beloved homeland. “The Heart of the Island” was an effective tool in convincing the Australian government to abandon their plans to industrialize the island of Flinders. We hope our government will be similarly inspired to respect the will of the local people as demonstrated through the wide variety of voices in the film and acknowledge the environmental damage already impacting the fish farm area.

The community of Poros vehemently opposes the POAY plan which threatens the island with a transformation from a popular tourist destination to an industrial fish farming zone, with dire environmental and economic consequences for the small island community. Driven by a love for their homeland and for nature, the residents are fighting to preserve the unique character of the island and point the way to a sustainable path that respects the environment and its people.

For more information about the documentary and the creators, please visit

