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Free mental health and self-care services

26 July 22

January 2022-July 2022

Free for Katheti’s members

Despina Kappi: 6949478728
Katheti:, 2298043825

Free mental health and self-care services

26 July 22

Everyone has large reserves of mental strength, which they often do not realize or they spend them inappropriately. Psychotherapy aims at the most effective management of daily life, so that the individual reaches the maximum of their potential. And because we say yes to what makes us stronger, Katheti has started a collaboration with Despina Kappi, who will provide free mental health and self-care services. They will be in the form of individual sessions. They will take place online and will strictly adhere to the rules of confidentiality. The program includes weekly sessions. It officially starts in January and will last until July, with the possibility of a small extension.


Exploring ourselves 

The free mental health and self-care services will be provided to any person who wants to try this way to manage their daily life. The services will be provided especially to adolescents, who have faced particular difficulties under the new circumstances. The sessions follow the path of empathy and unconditional acceptance. They provide the individual with the opportunity to unlock the maximum of their potential. The only condition for someone to participate in the program is to be a member of Katheti.

Despina Kappi has a degree in Sociology from the University of Crete. She is doing a Master’s in Person-Centered Psychotherapy at ICPS and another one in Gender Studies at the Swedish Umea University. She is a trainee psychotherapist, who has participated in many seminars, that are mainly focused on Psychology and Gender. She started a collaboration with Katheti, providing free mental health and self-care services as part of her internship. She tells us: “I believe that having access to such a service is very important, as current conditions have further intensified the need for self-care.”

By offering internship positions, Katheti at the same time achieves collaborations that provide important services to our area. In the future, we aim to enrich the mental health and self-care program with seminars on self-knowledge, parenthood, etc. Their purpose will be personal development and exploration of the self and all its aspects, through experiential and other tools. In this way, we say yes to what makes us stronger!
