Reactions to expansion of fish farms – Peak impacts on tourism

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Interdisciplinary Conference “Aquaculture on the Greek coast: Occupation without limits?”

2 March 24
Πνευματικό Κέντρο Δήμου Αθηναίων, Αθήνα, Αττική
Venue map link

1&2 March

Free entrance


Interdisciplinary Conference “Aquaculture on the Greek coast: Occupation without limits?”

2 March 24

The interdisciplinary two-day conference “Aquaculture on the Greek coast: Occupation without limits?” will take place on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 March at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Athens – Amphitheatre “Antonis Tritsis”. The first day includes presentations on understanding the impact of fish farming on the environment, the economy and society, while the second day is dedicated to the battle of local communities against the POAY project fostering networking and mutual support. During the conference, Director of Katheti Fay Orfanidou will present the research that has been carried out on the Poros POAY.

Aquaculture is an industry that can be highly damaging to the marine and coastal environment. The rapidly increasing intensity of this industry in the Greek marine area and especially in the protected Natura sites makes it necessary to examine in a comprehensive and in-depth manner the problems created by their placement, the licensing and control of their operation, their interactions with other activities that are equally detrimental to the marine environment (mining, wind farms etc.) and their impact on free access to the coast, tourism, economic development and the specific character of coastal areas. Events like this are crucial for understanding and addressing the challenges of fish farming. We look forward to seeing you there! Entrance is free.

Watch the first day in live streaming here.
Watch the second day in live streaming here.

Katheti actively supports the protection of the environment and sustainability. In the past, we have voluntarily cleaned the alleys of Sfairia with the KDAP Poros and beaches in our area with the students of the General High School of Galatasthe Kindergarten and Primary School of Troizina and the children of KDAP Troizinia. As Poros is threatened by the POAY plan, on World Ocean Day (8 June) 2023, we screened Francesco De Augustinis’ documentary “Saving Poros” and in October we organized the screening of two of LOWCo’s documentaries on Poros and Methana, in order to inform the residents. At the same time, we offer the educational program “Why we say no to fish farming in Poros” for primary, middle and high school classes. On our YouTube channel you can watch subtitled documentaries about fish farming from different parts of the world, while on Katheti’s website you can find “Fish Farming Information” about Greece and similar places worldwide.

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